Why is there something rather than nothing?
What are the ultimate building blocks of this something?
How does/did the universe and consciousness as we perceive it come into being from these building blocks?

What is the meaning of life?
Why is there suffering and death?
How can we achieve/increase happiness and well-being?

After a decade of thinking, I deduced a radically new, scientifically substantiated but relatively easy to understand hypothesis that provides credible answers to these questions and that can explain (in my opinion) many counter-intuitive phenomena of relativity theory and quantum mechanics. For example, it can explain the well-known double-slit experiments in quantum mechanics, Heisenberg’s uncertainty relations, and the non-locality and non-realism demonstrated by quantum entanglement. My hypothesis can explain why there is no free will as we understand it, that time travel is impossible, and why time moves forward (the arrow of time). The most original idea of the hypothesis is the deduction/realisation that consciousness is a self-causing phenomenon.
The hypothesis somewhat resembles Everett’s Many Worlds Interpretation, Tegmark’s Mathematical Universe, and the Block Universe, but there are fundamental and original differences. According to my hypothesis our universe is but one of an infinite number of virtual/imaginary universes evoked/created/imagined by self-causing consciousness.
I call the hypothesis the “Many Paths Interpretation (MPI)”.

The derivation of the hypothesis is described in detail in my manuscript entitled
               Is Infinite Uncertainty ≡ Information the Ultimate and Only Reality?

Scientists/Philosophers interested in studying the concept and commenting on it can contact me via the contact form.
Publishers who wish to study the manuscript (220 pages) with a view to possible publication can contact me via the contact form.